stuff that I make, find inspirational or is just cool.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I am absolutely obsessed by deep sea divers, have been for ages. When i was a kid and read Jules Vern's 20,000 leagues under the sea, the artwork of the divers really got to me. Half spacesuit, half golem/frankenstein  monster thing. Scary and cool as hell! Lumbering and lurching around the sea floor, searching for treasure and fighting giant octopi. Awesome! Other popular divers are, the ghostly deep sea diver from the Scooby Doo cartoon and movie, the bioshock games for the 360 game system, the diver dan show from the 60's, G.I. Joe toy from the 60's. All cool.
    I want a helmet so badly. When Mrs.H&A and i were in Korea a few years ago we found a shop in Itaewon that was selling vintage helmets for around U.S. $500. Inexpensive overall but to steep for that trip. Someday I'll have one. I've started making diver dolls out of vintage canvas. Hopefully some little kid gets one and finds it as inspiring as i found Mr. Vern's book when i was young.

Giant diver in Nantes, Jules Vern's hometown. Built by mechanical marionette street theater company Royale de Luxein 2009. cool.

The french scaphandrier or deep sea diver

Russian diver boots

not sure if it's for diving, but it's still rad

also korea
Korea, these old ones with the green patina were awsome!
Diver doll i made from recycled canvas

Diver with peacoat anchor button for belt buckle

Hand painted

Divers! you can get 'em at my etsy store

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