stuff that I make, find inspirational or is just cool.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


 Launching from the Mirage in Las Vegas! Mrs. H&A is in Las Vegas on a job and having finished a few projects back in Los Angeles i decided to drive across the desert to hang out with her, do some material hunting and finally get this blog up and running! I've found the thrift stores to be lacking, spare with not much vintage clothing or otherwise. I did find some usable items in a number of the local antique malls though. Can't wait to incorporate the sacks into some new bags.

Red Wing flour sackRed Wing Minnesota, home of boots and flour
Red Wing milling company bag

Nice color, great design

Close up, 100% cotton

Asgrow seed bag

U.S. Navy bag. huge, like 7' long. bed cover? laundry? Skaggs island was used by the U.S. Navy as an intelligence gathering site and communications base from the 1940's to the 70's

Cool old hand cut/sewn leather wallet, great patina

Nice stitch detailing
interior detail

craftsmans stamp
Been looking for this record for a while!  I saw the cartoon when i was a kid and the song "me and my arrow" blew my mind. Harry Nilsson's 5th album released in 1971, the cartoon also came out that year. Check it out.

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