stuff that I make, find inspirational or is just cool.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


here is some items that I've acquired recently. either by flea market or thrift store. i think they're pretty cool. if you read this, you may also. been real busy with the new house, found alot of cool stuff. I'll post some favorites next time
cast iron horse bookends, rad

three mouth harps and a tin kazoo

communist red army cap with badges


super cool flight bag. not sure if i'll keep it as is or transform it into one of mine

on flight bag

cocktail flag, just because

martinis ahoy

diver flag

anchor flag

SO excited about this one. found at the bottom of a box at a flea market, Jacques Cousteau's flag from his ship the calypso (replica) still super cool

skeleton keys

old rulers

old book of apple recipes. just apple recipes.

bell jar diorama. i made this. sand dollar from the pacific coast, duck skull from the L.A. river, glass slide of a mosquito head from flea market. fish jaw from the ocean and vintage Vietnamese money.

unicorn rat skull bell jar. rat skull from my parent's barn when i was 16. horn is a seashell from the pacific coast. flower is from Brooklyn.

old key, fish jaws from Maine coast, seed pod from Los Angeles, bullet casing found in an old box of my father's

possum skull found in a buddy's garage, old skeleton key from a flea market, fake roses I've had since the 1980's

hand painted (by me) vintage photo, skeleton key from flea market, found dice (snake eyes) revolver pin from flea market

had to add this, i did not make it, it was a wedding gift from some friends to Mrs. H&A and i. hand carved eggs in a nest of feathers. beautiful.

my bell jar pride and joy.

monsieur squirrel